The ombudsperson is an independent, appropriately qualified academic staff member from each MPI, elected to act as an impartial mediator in cases of conflict on matters of good scientific practice. It is the job of the ombudsperson to be available to all concerned as a confidential advisor for employees from all departments in cases where there is suspicion of a violation of the principles of good scientific practice. The ombudsperson also helps employees work through work-related problems and conflicts and thus can be contacted to mediate disputes between employees, employees and Operations, and employees and the Directorate.
The Ombudsperson at the MPI for Psycholinguistics is Beate St Pourcain.

For more information on scientific integrity and good scientific practice, click here.
Confidential Advisors
Next to an Ombudsperson, the MPI also has several confidential advisors. They can help you if you are experiencing undesirable behaviours in the workplace, such as bullying, aggression, or discrimination. As Ombudsperson, Beate St Pourcain is one of the confidential advisors and your point of reference if you have any questions.