Essential getting started checklist
Completing this checklist will help you find the information and resources you need to get started effectively at our institute.
There are several groups involved to provide facilities, services, and support to all MPI members. Some important names of people that can help you get on your feet are listed below.
- The secretaries are in many cases the people that show you around and introduce you to other people at the institute.
- Language Development Department: Ilse van den Dobbelsteen
- Psychology of Language Department: Thy Mathu
- Language and Genetics Department: Martina Bernhard & Paulina Grzenia-Heessels
- Multimodal Language Department: Brigit van Loon
- Research Groups, IMPRS: Emma Gerards
- Operations: Michaela Regeer
- Operations provide an office, furniture, housekeeping, all work contract related issues, finances, help with housing, etc.
- Contact persons: people of Operations
- The library offers the researchers a vast number of access points to books and journals, both electronic and in print.
- Contact persons: library staff
Technical Group
- The Technical Group provides and services computers, e-mail and computer accounts, services experiment rooms, provides equipment for expeditions, etc.
- Contact persons: people of the technical group
You can find some essential rules and guidelines here.
Introduction for newcomers meeting
Our institute organises an Introduction for newcomers meeting four times a year. At this meeting, you will receive short introductions and overviews to the institute, to our support teams, and our support channels. You will also get valuable and essential information, as well as the opportunity to meet other new people within the institute.
The dates of the introductions for newcomers in 2025 are:
- February 13
- May 15
- September 18
- November 13
All meetings take place in room 163 from 10.00-11.30 hrs.