Transitional Payment

    An MPI employee is immediately, from the first working day, entitled to a transitional payment in case of involuntary dismissal. Accordingly, this right applies to a notice of termination by the employer (including during the probationary period) as well as to non-continuation or limited contracts. 

    Inter alia does not apply in cases of notice of termination by the employees, mutual agreement, or serious accusable conduct of the employee. 

    HR will automatically inform you in case you are entitled to a transitional payment when leaving the MPI. 

    The method of calculation for this transitional payment is defined by law and, regardless of the age of the employee or the duration of the employment, the accrual for everyone is 1/3 monthly salary for each calendar year that the employment contract has lasted (and a proportional part for a period that the employment contract has lasted shorter or longer than a calendar year). 

    Regarding the calculation of the duration of the employment all successive contracts of employment (at the same employer, thus MPI) with interruptions of less than six months will be taken into account. The holiday pay will also be taken into account for calculation. 

    Certain costs of the employer may reduce the transitional payment.