Occupational Health Management

    Please find here more detailed information on the following topics:

    The MPI is using the services of the Occupational Health & Safety Service AMD (Arbodienst) of the RU and Radboud UMC. Services provided by our Arbodienst are for example sick leave support, preventive care, counselling, personal advice and coaching, advice for managers, etc.

    Employees who experience work-related problems with their health can turn to the AMD for help. You can make an appointment with our company doctor or occupational social worker through the AMD Front Office (024-3615400). Even if you are not ill, but want to ask some questions regarding your health in relation to your work, that is a possibility too. 

    Do you experience too much stress at work? Or a heavy workload? Do you have a disagreement with your supervisor or colleague that is hard to solve? Feel free to make an appointment with a counsellor at the AMD through the AMD Front Office (024-3615400).

    Personal advice and coaching

    Employees visit the counsellor with all sorts of questions. It can be about changes at work, an excessive workload, or an unpleasant working environment. You can also discuss problems in your private life, such as divorce or financial problems. The counsellor helps you to clarify the causes of the problem and to think of ways to deal with it. This way, you learn about a better way to handle your problems.

    Advice to managers

    Managers who seek an independent opinion can also get in contact with one of the counsellors. For example, for advice on how you can recognise signs of stress in your team and what you can do about it. Managers can also submit an online request if they want an employee to visit a counselor.

    Prevention is better than cure

    The counsellor is accessible for all employees. You can make an appointment on your own initiative. If it is necessary, a counsellor can advise you about other care options and assist in the referral. Do not wait until you are stuck or too ill to work. You can make an appointment any time.


    The counsellor is independent and information about your health is confidential. 

    As part of the MPG-wide occupational health management, the MPG is offering EMAP (by the highly-regarded Fürstenberg Institute). EMAP provides anonymous crisis counselling for staff and managers at all Max Planck Institutes. The counselling service offers support in dealing with professional or personal problems and issues that impact activities and well-being in the workplace, in times of crisis as well as in situations that present particular challenges in the everyday lives of managers.

    Highlights of the new EMAP counselling service provided by Fürstenberg Institut:

    • Appointments can be made at short notice, also online
    • Available 365 days per year / 24 hours every day
    • Counselling offered in person, via telephone, online and via chat 
    • Free of charge for employees, scholarship holders and their relatives
    • Unlimited number of instant counselling sessions for personal crises 
    • Multilingual service, available in up to 20 languages
    • High data protection standards, absolutely confidential and anonymous
    • Referral to specialists, therapists, clinics, etc. if necessary
    • Everything offered by a single provider: including support services in international crisis situations, e.g. Middle East crisis

    Immediate counselling is available by phone, online, or in person, 24 hours a day. If there is a need for further support, the Fürstenberg Institute will refer you to your GP or the company doctor of our Arbodienst. Counselling is available in German, English, or another language, as required.

    You are not charged for the counselling fees; the MPG will pay for this service. Please call 08000229543 (within the Netherlands - any other country) and experts from the fields of psychology, medicine, health sciences, psychosocial counselling, and more are on hand to respond enquiries.

    Please find here more detailed information about the EMAP services.

    And please click here for more information on the MPG Maxnet with the login details to the EMAP online portal.

    Unfortunately, stress at work is the most common occupational disease in the Netherlands. In order to provide staff members showing early symptoms of stress with the best possible support, the occupational counsellors at the AMD are offering E-coaching aimed at stress management. Through this online coaching course, the occupational counsellors aim to offer low-threshold guidance to employees experiencing early stress complaints or stress-related absences.

    For more information about E-coaching, please contact one of our occupational counsellors at the AMD. They can be reached through the AMD Front Office: 024-3615400.