Residence Permit

    Depending on where you come from, you may need a residence permit if you wish to reside in the Netherlands for a longer period of time.

    EU/EER and Swiss citizens

    As an EU/EER or Swiss citizen, you do not need a residence permit or registration sticker to say in the Netherlands, If you wish to stay for more than four months, you will need to register at the Municipality in which you are living. Please see the Registration page on the Municipality of Nijmegen's website for more information. 

    Non-EU citizens

    If you are a non-EU citizen and you wish to reside and work in the Netherlands for more than three months, you will need to apply for a residence permit. 

    For most scientific positions, our institute has a special agreement with the Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND), which allows us to employ scientists faster. For those scientists we can request a special researcher residence/work permit. If this applies to you, the Operations Department will inform you and arrange the necessary procedures on your behalf. 

    We recommend visiting the following websites. They provide some very useful information about living in the Netherlands and in the city of Nijmegen.

    If you have any questions or need any help, please contact Angela Heuts in the Operations Department.