Registration Municipality

    If you are not a Dutch national and you want to stay in the Netherlands for for a period longer than three months, you must register in the Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie (GBA) upon your arrival in Nijmegen. 

    The address of the Municipality of Nijmegen is: De Stadswinkel, Loket Burgerzaken, Mariƫnburg 30, 6511 PS Nijmegen

    Registration is by appointment only, you cannot just turn up at the Municipality offices. Please contact Angela Heuts in the Operations Department. She will arrange this appointment for you. 

    You (and your family members, if applicable) must go to the appointment in person and take the following documents with you:

    • Valid identification papers (for example, passport) for all family members, if applicable
    • Legalised (authenticated with an apostille*) copy of your birth certificate, for all family members, if applicable
    • Legalised (authenticated with an apostille*) copy of your marriage certificate, if applicable
    • Legalised (authenticated with an apostille*) copy of your unmarried status declaration, if applicable
    • Copy of the rental agreement for your new address in Nijmegen

    You are also obliged to inform both the Municipality (Digitale Balie, verhuizing) and the Operations Department or HR every time you change address within or outside Nijmegen. 

    *An apostille is a stamp attached to an official document. Documents furnished with an apostille are then recognised as genuine by governments of other countries. The granting of an apostille is also known as 'legalisation'. You will have to pay to have documents apostilled. Please be aware that it may take several weeks to obtain copies of certificates and to get apostilles.