Medical Care

    The Dutch health system has a very good reputation and has a network of hospitals and doctors throughout all regions, but medical treatment in the Netherlands is never free! All costs, even for emergency treatment, must be paid for by you or your health insurance. Comprehensive health insurance is therefore also very important and proof must be provided when you visit a doctor, normally by means of your health insurance card. 

    For 'ordinary' medical problems, you should first consult a general practitioner (huisarts). It is necessary to register with a huisarts closest to your permanent residential address. Via Zorgkaartnederland you can search for a huisarts by zip code. 

    There is a general practitioner centre close to the institute on St. Jacobslaan 343, 6533 VD Nijmegen. You can reach them at 3550810 during office hours. 

    Making an appointment with a general practitioner

    It is advisable to contact the practice in advance by telephone and ask for an appointment. Allow for the fact that an appointment can only be made for a few days ahead. If it is urgent, you must make a special point of mentioning this. In acute cases, practices cannot refuse you, either on the telephone or in person. When you visit a doctor, please take your health insurance card with you. 

    For 'ordinary' medical problems outside the office hours (after 5pm and during weekends), you can call the central medical station ('Huisartsenpost') to consult the doctor on duty. They can be reached at 0900-8880. If the doctor on duty thinks it is necessary, you can visit the Huisartsenpost at CWZ, Weg door Jonkerbos 108, 6532 SZ Nijmegen

    For emergencies, call 112 or go to the 'Spoedeisende Hulp' (First Aid) at the Radboudumc, Geert Grooteplein 22, route 760, 6525 GA Nijmegen. telephone 024-3614187. 

    Medicines and pharmacies

    In the Netherlands, many medicines are not available over the counter, only on prescription, which means a prescription by a doctor is required. Without a prescription, pharmacists may not give out medicines such as antibiotics. Pharmacies are open during normal opening hours, outside these hours there is an emergency pharmacy service. You can find the address of pharmacies that are open at night and during holidays in the daily papers or on the Internet. In addition, all pharmacies have a sign on the door giving a list of emergency pharmacies that change on daily basis.