Searching for Literature

    If you are looking for a books or articles for your research, this page contains information about different search systems. On this page you find direct access to our own catalog. In the left menu you find entries to other catalogs and databases.

    MPI Library Catalog

    The MPI Library Catalog contains bibliographic records describing the printed and electronic books, materials, and resources available or accessible in our library. 

    • printed books in our library and the Jerome Bruner Library
    • individual chapters, special journal issues, other materials
    • ebooks licensed by Max Planck Society or our institute
    • ejournals licensed by Max Planck Society or our institute
    • publications from our institute (with links to fulltext)
    MPI catalog result

    Jerome Bruner Library

    The Jerome Bruner Library is a special collection. Jerome Bruner played an important role in the establishment of the MPI. Following his death in 2016, the Bruner family donated his scientific library (comprising about 3,200 books) to our Institute. The Bruner library was officially opened on 8 January 2020. 

    The Jerome Bruner library Catalog

    During the cataloging process of the books, we paid particular attention to dedications from authors and notes written by Jerome Bruner himself. 

    [how to search the Bruner Library Catalog]

    Bruner Library