Email certificates

    This page gives a step-by-step explanation on how to request your personal email certificate. 

    Application for personal email certificate

    ***Currently (12 feb 2025) is not possible to request a personal email certificate: we are migrating to a new certificate authority.***

    Request your personal email certificate by mailing to

    You will get an email from Sectigo Certificate Manager ( with the subject "Your Email Invitation Request"

    Verify your email address and follow the instruction (t.i., set a password and download your certificate (.pt12 file)). 


    Choose the option for a 2-year certificate, key type RSH - 2048. Accept the terms and click Submit

    Certificate enrollment

    Choose protection algorithm Compatible TripleDES-SHA1. Create a temporary password (only needed once). 

    Click Download and a .p12 file is downloaded in your Downloads folder. 

    Certificate enrollment

    Double-click the .p12 file. A wizard will start (accept all default settings and use the password you made). You can find a full manual with all steps here

    If you get the following screen, click Cancel


    Normally, the certificate should be used automatically in Outlook. Please check if this is the case. In Outlook under Windows, go to File -> Options. Go to he tab Trust Center -> click the button Trust Center Settings

    Trust center settings

    Go to the tab Email security. Be sure that 'Add digital signatures to outgoing messages' and 'Send clear test signed message when sending signed messages' are selected. 

    The certificate should be listed in 'Default Setting'. If not, click the button Settings

    Email security

    The certificate should be visible under 'Security Settings Name'. 

    Certificate settings

    If you have questions about this topic or if you need help, please ask the system group (Tobias van Valkenhoef, Gert-Jan de Bresser, Maurice van Deutekom, or Reiner Dirksmeyer).