Library Profile
The library is primarily a reference library for all of the MPI's employees and for guests of the institute. The library can be accessed 24 hours a day. External visitors may consult the library during normal office hours on previous appointment, contact The MPI library supports the researchers in all their information needs. The collection closely follows the institute's research.
We provide access to 40.000 printed books, 85.000 online journals (MPG-wide licenses plus dozens of locally licensed e-journals aimed at our research), 700.000 eBooks via MPG-wide licenses plus dozens of locally eBooks requested by our staff.
- Document delivery: via interlibrary loan, mostly form Dutch, German, or UK university libraries or other Max Planck libraries, is very fast.
- Open Access support: The Max Planck Society has central agreements in order to cover Article Processing Charges (APCs) on behalf of Max Planck authors, e.g., for Frontiers journals, PLoS journals, BMC, Springer, Taylor & Francis journals. The librarians advise and help with questions regarding Open Access (fees).
Publication Management
Our library provides up-to-date publication lists on the institute's website (personal and departmental pages) via our publication repository MPG.PuRe. The librarians support the researcher with citation analysis to measure impact factors. And, of course, you can always ask us.