EEG Labs

    The MPI has 2 EEG labs available for use, room 146 and A107. These are equipped with the ActiCAPsnap standard 10/20 montage, 32 & 64 channels.


    • Rooms: 146/147, A107
    • Usage: EEG experiments only. A107 also contains an EyeLink 1000 eye tracker for EEG + eye tracking experiments.
    • Lab manager: Birgit Knudsen

    Sometimes the lab can be very busy. In order for everyone to be able to test participants, the procedure is:

    1. Contact the lab manager to inform about which lab to use
    2. Lab booking: a week’s prime time (5x8=40 hours) divided by the number of lab users. This ensures that everyone gets the same amount of testing time. Users are required to agree on how to best share the lab and to coordinate their agenda’s (the lab manager can assist if necessary).
    3. Please do not book the lab more than two weeks in advance. If you test a special population or have a multi-day set up, please contact the lab manager.
    4. A separate booking needs to be made per subject (no whole-day bookings).
    5. Please make sure to report any technical issues to Sophie (by email as well as the lab book). If you do not report technical issues, they will not be fixed.
    6. If supplies are running out, contact the lab manager as soon as possible.

    If you are an experienced EEG person,

    • and have used an EEG lab at the MPI before, contact the lab manager as soon as possible
    • but have not used an EEG lab at the MPI before, contact the lab manager for an introduction tour as soon as possible. It is advised that you follow different experimenters to familiarize yourself with how things work in the labs prior to the beginning of your experiment. It is also advisable that you download and use the EEG LAB USER GUIDE (link below) containing the procedure of running a participant in the EEG labs. The lab manager can assist in running your pilot participant, if needed.

    If you are not an experienced EEG person,

    • and do not have any EEG experience whatsoever, contact the lab manager for an introduction tour and also contact people who currently have on-going experiments. You are strongly advised to be present during a number of sessions run by experienced EEG experimenters. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the EEG LAB USER GUIDE (link below). The lab manager can help you with your pilot participant(s). You should also ask an experienced EEG experimenter (fellow researcher) to be present and help during your first sessions.

    Make sure to inform participants about the EEG procedure. You can briefly explain the procedure in the description of your experiment in the database and you can attach the EEG information sheet (see below) as a pdf.

    To speed up the procedure for future EEG experiments, please note down the cap sizes of new participants into the Subject Database by clicking the link "Unexcused absence / EEG cap size" in the main menu of the database. Do not forget to save your entry.