Username & Password

    This page will help you get a user account and password for the MPI computers and network facilities. 

    Initial password

    Your host, supervisor, or the department secretary will provide your username and an initial password at your arrival. First thing to do is change the initial password!

    • Go to this website
    • Go to the tab 'Logon with Idap/Anmeldung mit Ldap'
    • Login with your MPI email address and initial password
    • At the left, click 'Change password/Passwort änderen'

    The password must fulfill the following requirements:

    • The password must be 10 to 128 characters long and meet three out of the four following criteria:
      • Upper case letter
      • Lower case letter
      • Number
      • Special character (allowed: ^!"@$%&/()=?'*+~#-_.,;:{[|]}\<>)

    After a few minutes, your new password will be valid for all MPI computers/systems in the MPI network:

    • Windows, Linux/Unix, OSX
    • Services like email, webpages, network, eduroam, etc.


    The account name you use can be different things: it is your MPI mail address or your username. 

    • For Windows machines, windows servers, email, and affiliated services at the GWDG in Germany, you use your email (i.e.,
    • For Linux servers, the MPI website, you use your account name (i.e., baroba)
    • For Eduroam (WiFi), you use <your account name> (i.e.,

    For some services we offer Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

    If you mistype your password four times, your account will be locked for 20 minutes. The TG can unlock it, or you can wait 20 minutes.