Obligations and Attendance Requirements
There are a number of MPI-wide events and meetings which staff and PhD students are expected to attend. You can find these events and meetings on this page, as well as some general information about every event.
MPI staff meeting
When: the staff meeting takes place once every three months (March, June, September, December).
Why: to inform staff about what is going on in the institute (e.g., departures, big changes, reports from committees and other administrative bodies). The meeting closes with a scientific presentation from a staff member.
Where: MPI room 163.
Student assistants and trainees are not expected to attend the staff meeting; visitors are welcome. Attendance for all staff and PhD students is obligatory. If you are unable to attend, please email your apologies to the secretary of the current Managing Director.
When: once a month (Tuesday at 15:45, followed by an informal drink).
Why: a presentation by a well-known researcher from outside the MPI.
Where: MPI room 163.
Coordinated by the Colloquium Committee. Suggestions for speakers are welcome. Attendance is strongly recommended for all MPI scientists.
Lunch talks
When: once every two weeks (Thursday from 12:30 - 13:15).
Why: to keep MPI staff and PhD students in touch with each other's research. Informal presentations are given by a PhD student or new staff researcher.
Where: MPI room 163.
Lunch talks are coordinated by a committee of MPI PhD students. Attendance is strongly recommended for all MPI scientists.
Introduction for newcomers
When: four/five times a year.
Why: valuable and essential information is given to new employees and guests of the MPI. Short introductions and overviews to the institute are given by the MPI support teams and support channels. There is also the opportunity to meet other new people within the institute.
Where: MPI room 163.
Attendance is obligatory for MPI contracted colleagues, but MPI guests are also invited and welcome to join.
Nijmegen Lectures
When: once a year (three consecutive days in December/January/February).
Why: a series of lectures and discussions with a leading scientist.
Where: Radboud University Nijmegen, Aula, Comeniuslaan 2, Nijmegen.
The Nijmegen Lectures are coordinated by a committee of staff (and sometimes also a student representative) from the Radboud University, MPI Nijmegen, and the Donders Institute.
See Nijmegen Lectures for further information. Attendance is obligatory.
PhD defenses et al.
It is also recommended to join PhD defenses, inaugural lectures, prize ceremonies, and other events of interest for the institute. Such events will be advertised on the external MPI website and internal calendar, and usually take place in the Aula of Radboud University.
Talk with your supervisor, other colleagues, or group secretary about the expected attendance at specific group meetings and social events.