Links & downloads

    You can link words in your text to another website, another page on MaxIntra, or a pdf document. By clicking a link, the reader will be redirected to the linked page. 

    To link text, simply select the text you want to link, click the link icon (next to the Italics icon) and add the URL. The words that you have linked, will then be coloured green and underlined, like this

    When mentioning the name of an MPI employee, make sure to always link it to their page on the external MPI website. This way, the reader can easily see who the person is and how to contact them. 

    Instead of linking a document to certain words in your text, you can also choose to add it as a download button. By creating this, the reader will get to see a download button on the page, which will start downloading your document once clicked upon. If you want to add a download button to your page, please add it the very bottom. Otherwise, the page might look cluttered. You can see an example of a download button below.