
    We use software for different applications in the lab for designing and documenting your experiments, controlling devices and data/ image processing.

    Software for the lab

    Labfolder is our Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) for recording experiments and keeping material databases. The MPG has a central license for using Labfolder across all MPI’s. For security reasons we opted for a local installation on our servers which can be reached at . In Labfolder we made predefined and adjustable experiment templates in which you can write text, insert images, create and calculate in tables, create sketches and upload files. In Labfolder you can collaborate, use comments to discuss data and send messages within your group. There are useful add-ons and integration of external apps, exporting possibilities and all changes are tracked and visible in a version history view. All laboratory experiments should be documented in Labfolder, it is important to do this as quickly as possible when your memory is still fresh. Have a look at this introduction to discover the features:

    Geneious Prime is bioinformatics software that can transform your raw data into visualizations that make sequence analysis intuitive and user-friendly. Geneiousoffers capabilities in oligonucleotide primer design, simulating cloning experiments, Sanger sequencing analysis, next-generation sequencing, alignment and phylogenetics, CRISPR and more: 
    We use floating licenses for Geneious, which means that we can have as many user accounts as we need, but a limited number of users can use it simultaneously.

    Alamut Visual Plus is a comprehensive, full genome browser for efficient and user-friendly variant interpretation.

    ZEN is the universal user interface you will see on every imaging system from ZEISS (the supplier of much of our microscopy equipment). For simple and routine work, ZEN has built in work-flows. For complex research experiments, ZEN offers possibilities to design multi-dimensional work flows.

    Mallegan is Tecan's software to set up, control the two Tecan Infinite 200 Pro microplate readers (M Plex and F Plex) and perform extensive data analysis. More info on the Malegan software is found here: 
    More info on all of the capabilities of the Infinite 200 Pro readers (Dual Luciferase etc.) is found here:

    Our real time PCR machines from Bio-rad use CFX Manager software for experiment setup, running the experiment, and it offers multiple possibilities for data analysis.

    The Chromium Controller from 10X Genomics is designed to automate parallel sample partitioning and molecular barcoding at the single cell level. The controller allows for single cell analysis of CNV, gene expression, immune profiling, and ATAC.

    Equipment specific software

    We have more equipment that is controlled with either internal software or via a PC, but this software is mainly focused on controlling the equipment and getting direct results. Please look at the linked information below.

    Software, applications and services at the MPI/ MPG

    A list of available software, applications, services and platforms that are approved for use at the MPI is available on Maxintra. Furthermore we have access to licenced applications at the Max Planck Digital Library and the GWDG (computing and IT competence centre for the Max Planck Society) which offers a wide range of information and communication services for science.