Lab Manual L&G Wet Labs

    This lab manual is our initial agreement on how we share our roles and responsibilities in our scientific ecosystem.

    Wet lab- main lab

    Why we use a lab manual

    Knowing who we are and how we do things in organized ways gives cohesion to the department and lab, and influences the quality of our work, well-being and work-life balance. Written standards help lab users avoid mistakes and improve their efficiency, quality, confidence and safety by making our desired research culture of the department explicit and clear.

    How to update the manual

    The lab manual states the core values of the lab and is the result of how we evolved since the start in 2011. It will help the lab users stay on track as the lab evolves and adapts to changing situations. Updating the lab manual provides an opportunity to revise the existing workflow and detect inefficiencies and propose new solutions. In monthly lab users' meetings we can discuss and find solutions together of which the result will be integrated in the lab manual.