Looking for 3 to 6 year old bilingual Dutch-German children

    Anniek Corporaal
    Anniek Corporaal • 25 November 2024
    Dutch German child

    In the study 'Het Tweetalige Brein' we investigate how bilingual children are able to learn and use two different languages. We want to see if their brains react differently to hearing Dutch or German words. 

    Looking for 3 to 6 year old bilingual Dutch-German children

    In the study 'Het Tweetalige Brein' we investigate how bilingual children are able to learn and use two different languages. We want to see if their brains react differently to hearing Dutch or German words. For example, upon hearing a word, does a child immediately know whether it is Dutch or German? And if so, can we see this reflected in their brain activity? To answer these questions, we use EEG to measure the brain activity of children aged 3 to 6 years who hear both Dutch and German in everyday life.

    The study consists of two appointments each of approximately 2 hours. These appointments take place within two weeks of each other. During the appointment, your child will listen to Dutch and German words, while wearing an EEG-cap. This takes about 30 minutes. After the EEG-part, we will play a short vocabulary game with your child, which will take approximately 15 minutes. After the second appointment, we will thank you with a financial payment of €50 or €40 + 1 children's book.

    For more information or registration please send an email to anne.buizer@mpi.nl. If you know anyone who would be interested, please feel free to share our information with them. 

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