Lime Survey - Online Questionnaires
To create and run online questionnaires, you can use the software LimeSurvey (open source questionnaire software). This software is offered and hosted at the computer center Göttingen (GWDG).
The GWDG recently relaunched its LimeSurvey Service:
To access use this link: and logon with your MPI credentials (full email address and password)
- Selfservice for registration
- Single Sign On with AcademicID
- Improved performance and prevention against outages
- Scalable architecture
At first login your LimeSurvey account will be created automatically and be ready for use.
Previous LimeSurvey server and surveys - important information about current and old surveys
- User accounts and surveys from the previous server will not be transferred to the new one!
- You can continue to run your current surveys or those already created and soon to be launched on the previous server and complete them there.
- If you want to create new surveys, please register for an account on the new server
- If you want to transfer surveys from the previous to the new LimeSurvey server, you can do so by exporting the surveys and importing them to the new server. You can find instructions on how to do this in the LimeSurvey manual.
- Once your surveys are completed and evaluated on the previous server, we will decommission it. We currently have this scheduled for the end of Q3 2021, which is the end of September. Please make sure to export your completed surveys in time, if you need to keep them backed up. You can also transfer them to the new server Please note that we will delete expired surveys 6 months after the expiration date.
- If you have active surveys that will continue for longer than the end of September 2021, please contact us by sending an email to or via so that we can work together to find a solution.
- You can find the existing server still at
More information
- GWDG News May 2021:
- - previous server
- - new server
GWDG Support:
- If you wish to receive assistance, please feel free to contact us at or email us at
Local support:
- Karin Kastens (head of library) email:
- Community support at MPI: mailing list: - write an email to Karin Kastens to subscribe