Inviting Guests

    If you want to invite a guest to the institute, please inform the secretary of your department at least 4 weeks in advance. The secretary will issue an invitation request. Please also see facilities for new users. At the same time, please send the guest an invitation letter, telling the guest what we will exactly reimburse.


    Please use this standard format of the invitation letter, edit and adjust it to what is applicable for your guest and give a copy of this invitation letter to Arnold Harbers, so that he is informed in order not to create any misunderstanding when reimbursing the guest. 

    Please note: For guests who are employed at another Max Planck institute an invitation request is not accepted. Those guests should complete a business trip request at their own Max Planck institute. 

    You can make reservations for a hotel room in Nijmegen, preferably via our booking system ORBS.

    Please do NOT book any flight or train tickets for the guest, because we will get a lot of trouble if the guest is not coming, the auditor of the MPG will not accept this procedure. The guest is always responsible for his/her own travel costs and they can be reimbursed later. We will refuse the invoice of the travel agency if it is booked for a guest. 

    When the guest is leaving please give him/her a copy of the invitation letter as a reminder and the Travel reimbursement request for invited guests to be filled in with the address and bank details. Please tell the guest to return the form together with the original tickets, invoices, boarding passes, etc. 

    As soon as we have all the information and tickets, the expenses will be reimbursed immediately. Please note that this has to be done within 3 months after the visit!

    The use of taxis

    The use of taxis by guests can only be reimbursed in the following cases: 

    1. state of health 
    2. regular public transport services are delayed and you cannot arrive in time for the meeting 
    3. journeys between 23.00 and 06.00 o'clock 
    4. this is the only means of transport for getting to and from the station/airport, as well as for journeys at the location of the business being visited. 

    Lack of familiarity with a location and poor weather are insufficient reasons for the use of a taxi! Therefore please inform the guest that taxi's will not be reimbursed and inform the guest about public transport in the invitation letter and/or refer to the link on our website. 

    In the exceptional case with a special guest who can take a taxi, please inform Arnold Harbers.

    Lunch or dinner

    In exceptional cases and according to our regulations, if an invited guest is taken out for lunch or dinner, we can only reimburse lunch or dinner costs (food + non-alcoholic drinks) of maximum Euro 40,- per person for one MPI host and the guest. This also applies to lunch or dinners with formal colloquium speakers and with the accent on 'maximum', because it does not mean that Euro 40,- per person HAS to be spent. It is also very much possible to have a nice lunch or dinner for Euro 30,- per person. Please note that tips are not refundable! 

    For the reimbursement we need a written request stating the participant names and the costs which should be reimbursed. Please attach the original restaurant invoice to the request. This request should be signed by you and the director of your department.
