RU guesthouse, Hotels, B&Bs, Home Rental Properties etc.
Are you looking for a place to stay in Nijmegen?
On this page you can find some options with various long and short stay accommodation.
Availability is limited, you might need to put some extra effort in your search and you might need to compromise.
SSH& - Radboud Guesthouse
One option might be the Radboud University Guesthouse SSH& at:
Registration is obligatory. The apartments are for rent for a maximum of one year. Contact Michaela Regeer for registration forms. But please notice there is a very high demand and checking out other options is proven to be necessary.
From January 2025 onwards, you can only apply for accommodation if you recently haven't lived in the Netherlands and if your income is lower than Euro 75k per year. Dutch citizens are excluded from application proceedings.
As follows please find the rental prices as by January 1, 2025:
Apartment type rental prices start at maximum rental prices
15m2 € 723,98 € 769,61
20m2 € 755,58 € 790,33
36m2 € 875,56 € 999,41
50m2 € 1.069,05 € 1.074,60
Hotels, Guesthouses and B&Bs
- Holturnsche Hof in Berg en Dal at ca. 80€
- Hotels Erica and Val Monte at ca. 65-90€
- Hotel-Restaurant De Wolfsberg in Groesbeek at 69€ pp ex breakfast
- Guesthouse Vertoef at 55€/65€ single/double longstay.
- A studio (incl. kitchen) at apparthotel Oranjestaete at 145€
- Pauw Hotel at 84-90€
- Hotel Credible at 95-100€
- Barbarossa Hostel Nijmegen
- Pension Bottendaal
- B&B Westzijde
- Aan de Anna B&B
- B&B De Prince
- B&B Hunnerzijds
- B&B Huize Nijmegen
- Bed and Breakfast -
- Meet and Stay with Locals All Over the World | Couchsurfing
- is always an option, just like social media
- VVV Tourist Information Service
Professional agencies
- housingtarget
- Kamernet
- Vesteda
- Funda
- Hestia
- Woninghuren
- Direct Wonen
- Rots-Vast Groep
- Executive Home Rentals
- SOOF Aanhuurmakelaar
- Wibeco
- Kamer Beheer Service
- Pararius
- Stay4Pro
- For everyone who prefers Homestay or homesharing: Platform for homestay & homesharing | Hospi Housing at
Short term availability (Jan 17, 2025):
This property is approximately 60m2. It is located within walking distance of the center and is a maximum of a 5 minutes by bike from the central train station.
Suitable for a couple, or 1 working person.
A spacious 2-room apartment on the top floor. The large rooms can be used as 2 separate bedrooms when occupied by 2 individuals, or 1 bedroom and 1 living room when occupied by a couple. Separate spacious kitchen with adjoining bathroom, separate toilet and a balcony at the rear of the building as outdoor space. It is located within walking distance from the center, max. 5 minutes by bike from the central station.
Bonus option: an extra small room on the same floor can be rented for an additional fee and can serve as an extra guest room, added storage, a closet, or a home office.
Available immediately - please register as soon as possible, but no later than January 24.
Residential property with 7 spacious rooms for students or young professionals with shared facilities (kitchen 2x, living room, laundry room, bathroom 2x and a spacious garden). It is a safe, green residential area with the Goffertpark around the corner.
This house has recently been completely renovated and will become available for rent on Feb 1st. Only 4 rooms still available!
It is located within walking distance from the Radboud University and max 5 minutes by bike to the Goffertpark train station & 10 minutes by bike to the central train station.
Mid-February a spacious, semi-furnished (upholstered) rental property (corner house) will be available. The rental has a little over 150m2 of square footage and has 5 bedrooms. This property has never been lived in and everything in it is brand new (kitchen, bathroom, and appliances). Rental sum is €2000 as is, the tenants will need to arrange a provider for utilities and internet themselves. A viewing will be possible from approximately Feb 5th.
For all properties, please note:
- All rental properties can be fully furnished for a premium – ask for details if this is something you would prefer.
- Pets are not permitted
- Smoking is not permitted
The rental duration is always short stay (max. of 1 year, with the possibility of an extension).
For rent
- Living room, bathroom, kitchen and 1 bedroom
- 10 minutes from train station and the center of Elst
- Price 850 Euro per apartment, incl.
For more information please contact E. Nass at
- Rent € 567,- per month (incl.)
- Distance to the MPI - 2.500 meters
- Distance to the City Centre - 500 meters
- Shared entrance with the owners
- Shared Kitchen & Bathroom with 2 other co-tenants
- Lockable bicycle shed
- For information please contact Mr Henk van Eldijk at 0031(0)6-55892820 or email:
- 1 big room: 25m2
- 1 bathroom 1 kitchen
- Use of shared washing machine
- Internet (glass fibre), shed for bikes, big garden
- Location: on a bike-road to Nijmegen , 15 minutes cycling distance to the MPI
- 5 minutes cycling to a shopping centre and 5 minutes cycling to a bus stop
Address: Bosweg 3, 6581 KR Malden. If you are interested, please contact the landlady Mrs. Alink via e-mail or by telephone: 06 -82353885 or 06 -28207942.
- With a nice garden
- Large living room and kitchen.
- Parking available, carport for bicycles next to the house.
- Utility room in the basement
- Wifi available.
- Rent about 1600 Euro per month.
- Solar panels
For more information please contact Nico Cox at or by mobile: 06-44177656.
Available from 15-Nov-2024
Only for families or couples, if you are intersted:
Contact M. Toonen, 06-53296721,
Some availability from December 2024 onwards. Please check their website for detailed information, options and possibilities!
Fully furnished room (22m2), Paterbrugmanstraat 8 in Nijmegen with own bathroom and a small kitchen at ca. 500 € per month (all in). Contact: Jeanne Oude Hengel, or +31 24 3609640
Lessor lets out for hire an apartment, a ground-floor house at Groesbeeksedwarsweg 39 Nijmegen with an own entrance.
It is a non-smoking house. The house lord is living upstairs at Groesbeeksedwarsweg 41. Groesbeeksedwarsweg is situated very close to the centre of the city and to the University. The railway-station is about 1500 meter from the house.
*) Room 39-1 is 14 m2. The rent is € 350,- monthly all inclusive. -> Not available, sorry
*) Room 39-2 is 16 m2. The rent is € 375,- monthly all inclusive. -> Not available, sorry.
*) Number 39-3 has two rooms: room a) 7 m2 & room b) 13,5 m2. The rent is € 450,-monthly all inclusive. Room 39 b) has a refrigerator for private use. -> Not available, sorry.
The rent includes the costs of gas, electricity, water, furniture in the room and internet. All the things you need to sleep (bed, etc., if you like also blankets and sheets) are present. In the kitchen you find a refrigerator, a microwave and to cook; utensils, 4 burner gas appliance, pans, plates, knives, forks and spoons, etc..
In the house you share the kitchen, the shower and the toilet with the 2 other guests. You can use the garden of the house lord.
The tenant is obliged to keep their own room clean. The tenants of the ground-floor apartment are together responsible for keeping clean the apartment no. 39. The lessor uses the laundry machine in the kitchen and the cupboard of the cleaning materials of no. 39.
In the cellar of house nr. 39 is Kaya’s home gym, the house lords’ child. The gym can only be used with their permission. This is for safety reasons. We only make agreements for the whole period with the maximum of one year. The agreements can be ended two months after the announcement by the tenant, in writing before the first day of each month.
Friends, family and partners, who like to visit you are allowed to sleep over. On the other hand, are sublets are not allowed. If you are interested, we will send you the contract via e-mail.
We are looking forward to welcome you to Nijmegen! If you like we can show you our city and it’s interesting places. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to ask us.
Fam. Van Baalen, E-mail:
Things to consider when looking for accomodation
- Rental prices are highest in the town centre, in the roads off St Annastraat, and around the university. Less central areas of Nijmegen are cheaper, as are the surrounding villages.
- Generally, rental prices quoted are exclusive of bills (gas, water, electricity etc). Bills will add up to around € 200-300 per month based on your usage and time of the year.
- Check advertisements carefully to see whether a property is being offered with furniture and appliances. In the Netherlands, most housing is rented unfurnished (ongemeubilieerd), and unlike in other countries this may mean that the house does not even contain light bulbs or flooring. In an unfurnished let, the most you will get is a hotplate for cooking and (if you are lucky) a refrigerator. ‘Gestoffeerd’ indicates that there are carpets, curtains and appliances. Furnished (gemeubilieerd) housing is less common, though sublet apartments are often rented out with the occupant’s belongings for periods of up to one year. It may be possible to ask the outgoing occupant if they are interested in selling their furniture/appliances to you.
- When an advertisement mentions the number of rooms (kamers), it refers to the living areas and bedrooms, not simply the number of bedrooms. This count doesn’t include the kitchen, bathroom, and utility areas, etc. So, a 3-kamer apartment would likely have 2 bedrooms and a living area, plus the kitchen and bathroom.
- Advertisements will also usually say how long the minimum or maximum contract is. ‘Under consideration’ means you can likely negotiate the contract length.
- Many apartments for rent in Nijmegen through agencies are also up for sale (a consequence of the economic climate). Make sure you clarify with the estate agent or landlord what will happen to your lease/notice period if your rented apartment sells while you are living there.
bad - bath
badkamer - bathroom
buurt - neighbourhood
combi-magnetron - combined microwave and conventional oven
douche - shower
kaart - map
kamer - room
keuken - kitchen
nieuwbouw - new-build housing
omschrijving - description
overzicht - overview
slaapkamer - bedroom
te huur - for rent
te koop - for sale
toegang - entrance
tuin - garden
verdieping - floor (of a building, as in ‘first floor’) wonen/woon - to live/living
zoeken - to search
Neighbourhoods in Nijmegen
- Nijmegen-Centrum (central) is the historic heart of the town, enclosed by the river to the north, the railway line to the west and Oranjesingel/Sint Canisiussingel to the south-east. The area nearest the river is Benedenstad, the remainder is Stadscentrum.
- Nijmegen-Oost (east) includes the area just to the south of the town centre, where there are three adjacent neighbourhoods that are very popular with students: Bottendaal (west of St Annastraat); Galgenveld (between St Annastraat and Groesbeekseweg); and Altrade (east of Groesbeeksweg). These neighbourhoods have many large 19th century houses. Just to the east of the university campus is Groenewoud, a residential area built in the 1950s and ’60s. East of Altrade is quiet Hengstdal: smaller terraced houses and low-rise flats built between the wars. Furthest east is Kwakkenberg: large detached houses with gardens. North of Berg en Dalseweg is Hunnerberg, which has many larger houses and some blocks of flats.
- Nijmegen-Midden (midtown) includes the pleasant residential areas built in the 20th century to the west of St Annastraat: adjacent to the university campus is St Anna, further west is Hazenkamp (streets named after animals), and Nije Veld is to the north of Groenestraat. Goffert consists of the large Goffert Park and a few surrounding streets. Heyendaal is the university campus.
- Nijmegen-Zuid (south) is the southernmost area of Nijmegen, consisting of the 1950s and ’60s suburbs Brakkenstein, Hatertse Hei (both adjacent to the MPI), Grootstal, and Hatert.
- Nijmegen-Oud-West (old west), just west of the town centre across the railway line, is made up of the old neighbourhoods of Wolfskuil and Biezen, which consist of low-rise pre-war houses that have been renovated for rental as well as newer developments.
- Nijmegen-Nieuw-West (new west), at the north-west edge of town, contains the new suburbs of Hees, Heseveld, and Neerbosch-Oost that are bordered to the north-west by industrial and harbour areas.
- Nijmegen-Noord (north) is the area of Nijmegen north of the River Waal, consisting of Lent, Oosterhout, and Ressen. Future development is planned for this area.
- Dukenburg and Lindenholt are the large and fairly green areas of Nijmegen west of the Maas-Waal canal, consisting of a number of modern suburbs. These are cheaper areas of Nijmegen but are relatively far from the university and town centre.
- Beyond Nijmegen. The villages of Beek and Berg en Dal lie just outside Nijmegen to the east. Malden, Molenhoek, and Groesbeek are a little further away to the south and south-east. Wijchen and Beuningen are larger settlements a similar distance to the west.
- Further afield. Housing in Arnhem, to the north of Nijmegen, may be cheaper than in Nijmegen; there is a regular train service to Arnhem which takes around 20 minutes. The town of Oss is a similar distance away to the south-west and is also connected by rail. Just across the border in Germany, towns such as Kranenburg and Kleve offer good-value accommodation. Note, however, that you need a car to get to work and paperwork such as taxes and residence permits may be more difficult to arrange.