Emergency information

    In case of high emergency (police, fire department, or ambulance) call 112:

    • Call 0-112 from an institute phone
    • Call 112 on a mobile phone.
    • Or use the 112NL app: With this app on your phone, you can quickly contact the specific emergency service.

    For your own safety, it is advisable to check all the possible emergency exit doors of the building.

    When you hear the evacuation/ fire alarm:

    • Close your office windows and take your coat and personal belongings (keys, handbag, purse, mobile phone).
    • Leave your office door open and immediately go to the nearest emergency exit.
    • When you use the stairs, please keep to the right side.
    • In case of strong smoke formation keep close to the floor.
    • Go to the parking lot, which is the central meeting point.
    • Please do not stand directly in front of the building, but make room for the emergency services such as the fire trucks.
    • It is important to always listen to the trained care providers of the MPI, recognisable by their yellow vests.

    When you discover a fire or in case of other emergencies: contact the reception or one of the trained care providers (in Dutch: Bedrijfshulpverlener /BHV). 

    The BHV-team has one emergency phone number to reach the trained care providers: 555. The first person that picks up the phone, will provide help.

    For less urgent questions, please contact the trained care provider that is close to your own office:

    What our care providers do not know

    The trained care providers (BHV) are ready to act as a first response to specific situations (evacuations, locating and dealing with small fires, heart failure, choking, etc.) that need attention until the emergency professionals arrive.

    Beside the situations they are trained for, there are medical emergencies that we can think of that would benefit from prior knowledge of the person’s medical condition. Due to the GDPR we are not allowed to note this anywhere, we are fully aware of this. But our BHV could provide better help if at least the direct colleagues and closest BHV person know about different medical emergencies that might occur.

    If you see the benefit as well, and are comfortable with sharing this information, feel free to tell your closest colleagues and the BHV person at your department:

    • About the medical condition that can trigger a situation in which you need help (e.g. allergy, diabetic, epilepsy, etc.)
    • What to do if an emergency situation occurs
    • Who to contact for you in case of an emergency.

    In case of technical failure outside office hours that requires urgent action, please call the technical emergency number: (0)024-3521521.

    Only in the very exceptional case when this number is not answered, you can call one of the following numbers:

    1. Remco Diever, mobile (0)-06-14882231
    2. Rober van Thiel: mobile (0)-06-53256012
    3. Pascal Zoetekouw: mobile (0)-06-30168366

    When you use a mobile phone, you do not have to dial the first (0).

    In case of emergency with serious personal injury, terror attack or hostage-taking, the MPI Crisis team should be contacted.

    Please note that during a crisis only the responsible managing director communicates to the outside world.

    In case of security matters outside office hours (for example suspicious persons hanging around/in the building or causing trouble/nuisance), please contact the Security Service of the Radboud University at (0)024-3619000.

    The security people will be at the MPI within 10 minutes!

    At the reception a heartstart defibrillator and a first aid kit are attached to the wall. Both are to be used in case of extremely high emergency, and only by our trained care providers.

    Also at the reception there is a first aid kit (white cupboard) available for small non-urgent casualties.