Staff Meeting

    The Staff Meeting is held four times a year, in March, June, September, and December. This meeting is meant for the MPI employees to give an update about what their department/group has been doing for the past three months. The meeting is lead by the Managing Director. 

    Staff meeting

    The dates of the upcoming Staff Meetings in 2025 are:

    • March 18th
    • June 17th
    • September 9th
    • December 16th

    Course of the meeting

    At the start of the meeting, the Managing Director (MD) gives a short introduction and some general announcements. The MD also mentions any potential employee turnover, upcoming events, and defenses that took place in the past three months and the ones that will take place in the coming months. 

    After this introduction, the support staff (Library, Communications, TG, etc.) is invited to present the work they have been doing in the past months. There is a set order for these presentations, which may alter if a particular department has nothing new to report. If you want to present something that is not ordinarily part of the agenda, please contact the MD's secretary. 

    The Staff Meeting typically lasts about an hour. Afterwards, there is usually a scientific talk that also lasts about an hour. You are very welcome to attend this talk as well. 


    The invitation for the Staff Meeting will be sent out by the MD's secretary. Additionally, the meeting will be announced in the MPI's weekly newsletter. 

    Please note that attendance is mandatory for all scientific staff. Student assistants and interns are welcome to attend the meeting, but are not obligated to do so.