Eye tracking software
Read this page if you want more information about the Eyelink trackers and some help on how to use them.
Eyelink (SR Research) trackers: Our Eyelink trackers can be controlled via Eyelink Experiment Builder or via Presentation using the Eyelink API. TG offers support Presentation support. Experiment Builder programming is supported by SR Research via email or the forums.
SR Research offers an extensive knowledge database in the form of manuals, tutorial videos and some forum posts. Below an overview of the most important documentation. Most of the information below requires registration on the SR Research forums. Users registered with their MPI account may also ask support questions on the forums.
Getting started:
Video tutorials:
Or directly on Youtube via:
Pupil labs trackers (glasses): These trackers do not plug into experiment software used at the institute and must be used with the Pupil Labs software. There is no TG support for these trackers.
SMI Trackers (portable): Our portable SMI trackers can be controlled via SMI Experiment Center or in Neurobs Presentation via the SMI eye tracker API. Note that the company SMI does not exist any more, so mileage may vary and TG cannot offer any programming support for SMI software. Some Presentation support is offered via TG.