Lab use procedure

    Here you can find more information about how to use the eye tracking labs, and the Eyelink PC.

    In general, our eye tracking labs can be used without a technical introduction to the labs by TG or the lab manager. However, do make sure you are familiar with the equipment before running an eye tracking experiment.

    Note that TG cannot ensure that the tracker is always in the same setup. Make sure you check the lens and tracker setup or ask TG for assistance. If you plan to make changes to the setup, please contact the lab manager and coordinate with other users of the lab. 

    Note that Eyelink 1000 (+)-trackers have interchangeable lenses and need settings on the Eyelink PC that correspond to the lens and tracker configuration. The necessary lenses should be available in the lab. 

    Other than the above, general rules and guidelines for behavioural experiments apply.