Lab history

    The Language and Genetics Department at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics was founded in 2010 with the objective of studying the genetic underpinnings of speech, language, reading, and social communication.

    Simon Fisher

    The department is led by Prof. Dr. Simon E. Fisher.  In its early years, the department was challenged by the institute's absence of life science laboratories and available office space. Consequently, the growing number of lab members were situated in the Trigon building of the Donders Institute and quickly learned to utilize various facilities on the Radboud campus. During this period, plans were made for a dedicated wing at the Max Planck Institute, which was subsequently constructed and inaugurated in January 2015. This brand-new wing is home to an extended auditorium, extra office space, new server rooms, a virtual reality suite, experiment rooms (including baby labs and EEG facilities) and, for the first time at our Institute; our own state-of-the-art in-house molecular biology laboratories.  In this new wing the department offers student interns, research assistants, PhD candidates, postdocs and research group leaders an inspiring and complete scientific working environment. The department's scientific work leans on the supporting and operational work by the secretaries, the laboratory manager and assistant laboratory manager.