Start by shifting all data from private locations such as K, U, P (wetlab dump), email, and portable storage to designated spaces like Workspaces and Archive. Ensure the unpublished data and analyses are well-organized and clear. For every paper or chapter, whether it's published, in press, or in preparation, create a corresponding folder that can be easily identified. Not only should these be organized, but they need to be clear in purpose as well. When it comes to the definitive input, script, and output files used for every paper or chapter, always ensure they are clearly labelled for immediate and easy identification. This is pertinent to grasping the specific results showcased in said papers or chapters. Not forgetting your unpublished data and analyses, they should also be ordered in a clear and understandable manner. The same rule applies here, ensure there are identifiable folders, corresponding to all papers, chapters, in preparation, in process, or published. Finally, stay consistent in clearly labelling the definitive input, script, and output files that contributed to the results in every paper or chapter.