This page will give you an overview of experiment tools and recruitment tools that can be used to run online experiments at the MPI. Please note that you should always contact and if you want to use software or services not mentioned below. Services not currently supported will require a thorough technical and privacy check by TG and the Data Protection Coordinator.
Experiment tools
- Our preferred online testing tool is Frinex. This a free to use experiment platform developed by the MPI and hosted on our own servers. We provide a Frinex programming manual and further programming support can be requested via
- Another possibility is the use of Gorilla. We have an MPI-account for this tool. Do note however that Gorilla is a paid tool and TG does not offer any support beyond providing a license.
- For simple questionnaires, you can use Limesurvey.
- Finally, there might be a possibility to use Qualtrics. For more information, please contact Patricia Manko. (#NOTE: If this is a MPI-wide license, I’d prefer this to be advertised over Limesurvey).
Participant recruitment
- In principle, you should use the general participant database of the MPI. See here for more information.
- If you want to test foreign participants, you can use Prolific Academic. See this document for a full workflow.
- If your target group isn't able to use either our general participant database or Prolific, please contact Annelies van Wijngaarden to talk about other possibilities.
Other important information
As with in-house testing, please make sure that you have ethical approval, funding and approval of your supervisor before you start setting up an experiment. Please also provide an information sheet, consent part, and debriefing to your participants.