Fieldwork Regulations
Read this page for more information on fieldwork regulations.
Fieldwork request
For fieldwork trip requests the business trips procedure is applicable. When you are planning a fieldtrip, it is very important that you first read the Essential Notes for Fieldworkers.
Costs of vaccinations before business travel abroad can only be reimbursed when travelling to countries where certain vaccinations are mandatory. Officially recommended vaccinations against diseases in infected and endemic regions can also be reimbursed. The company doctor shall attest to the official recommendation.
If you need vaccinations for the fieldtrip, you can either contact the GGD Nijmegen or the Radboud Travel Clinic. Please check their websites for up-to-date information and there you can also make an appointment for the actual injections.
Travel insurance
Information about travel insurance for field work trips can be found here.
Reimbursement of Fieldwork Expenses
Please use the Reimbursement request form for business trips and fill in the dates of your travel and when the fieldwork actually started and finished in the column 'Beginn and Beendigung des Dienstgeschäfts'. If you combined this fieldtrip with another business trip like visiting a conference, please make a separate timetable.
Furthermore please also fill in the frequent flyer form.
Some receipts will be easy to get, particularly when you are in the capital, however, working in the rural areas you have often to carry a receipt book and ask people to sign receipts for services because they do not provide their own.
Receipts for consultant and transcription fees
For consultant fees and transcription we also need a receipt and let it sign by the beneficiary.
Sometimes it is not possible to get a receipt, pls make a notice in the excel file with „no receipt“. It would be fine to have a short statement like as follows:
This statement documents costs for meals purchased out-of-the-field at markets and stalls where it is not possible to get written receipts. The amount spent was .......
Date + Signature
Statement for non-literate consultant cash payment:
This is to certify that the undersigned has disbursed a total sum of ...
as payment to xx language consultants during linguistic fieldwork in xxx
as specified below. The communities are non-literate, which is why it has not been possible to get written statements of receipt or signatures from the consultants.
Then please make a list with consultant’s name and the amount you have spent. Below this list please sign and put a date on it.
Excel file
Keeping accounts in an excel file will be fine and makes it easier for reimbursement. Please put numbers on all receipts and transmit them into the excel sheet with following columns: receipt no, date, description and amount in local currency.
- Is there a per diem for food and housing ?
A per diem will be paid for the time you are on your way to your field and again back from the field to home. In case you are in a big city in order to settle business matters a per diem will be paid, too. Please make it clear in the separate timetable (ad 1))which days are concerned for administrative work in a big city. During the field stay no per diem will be paid, but therefore you will be paid for food and housing. Please keep all bills and note them in an excel file.
If you have questions or you need help, please contact Arnold Harbers.