Getting Your Printed Thesis Ready

    This page covers information related to the preparation of your printed thesis.

    For an overview of the remaining steps from pre-submission of your thesis up until the defence day, please make use of this guide

    MPI Series in Psycholinguistics & ISBN

    All IMPRSers with MPI contracts will have their thesis included in the MPI Series in Psycholinguistics

    A number in the MPI Series is assigned to each thesis in chronological order (i.e., by defence date). 
    Please contact the library staff to obtain your designated number.  

    CLS IMPRSers:

    You are welcome to publish in the MPI series. 
    Please contact CLS or your Graduate School Coordinator for details on the budget and reimbursement procedure. 
    Should you opt to publish in the LOT series, we still ask that you include a Statement of Participation in your thesis. Details further below.


    Donders IMPRSers:

    You will publish your thesis in the Donders series. We ask that you include a Statement of Participation in your thesis. Details further below.

    An ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is optional for MPI theses. 

    If desired, the library staff can arrange this and the cost will be covered by the MPI. 

    The main advantage of having an ISBN is that the dissertation becomes searchable in international databases. It is often said that having an ISBN number can prevent you from publishing your research with a commercial publisher; however, there has been no evidence of that yet. It also depends on discipline and regional practice. IMPRSers should ask within their department, group, or the librarians about usual practice. 

    Designing & Printing Your Thesis

    The MPI will pay for the cost of printing the thesis of MPI-contracted IMPRSers, provided that the MPI series thesis cover is properly used (i.e., you adhere to the corporate design template) and approved by us before printing. The cost will only cover printing, and not any graphic design services you may opt for. 

    Please be aware that designs costs are not included in the reimbursement provided by MPI and thus must be paid out of your own pocket. Accordingly, the invoice that will be sent to the MPI must not include graphic designer fees on it. 

    At the moment of writing, the most economical options are to print your thesis either fully in colour or fully in black-and-white. Please choose which option suits your thesis best. The cover is to be printed as a soft cover. 

    CLS IMPRSers should verify what the current policy is with regard to this matter. 

    MPI IMPRSers: The thesis is printed by Ipskamp. Once you have asked the printing company for a quote, please inform you MPI department director to approve the sum. In most cases, a sum of up to €1.200 is reasonable. 

    CLS IMPRSers: We recommend going with Ipskamp as they are very familiar with our printing requirements. This can spare you from complications that may arise with other printing companies. 

    Do make sure to contact the printing company at least 8 weeks before your defence date. Clearly indicate that MPI/CLS will cover printing costs in the online form on Ipskamp's website. 

    Be sure to carefully consult the requirements specified by Ipskamp to avoid unnecessary last-minute annoyances or delays. You can request a printed or PDF version here

    In the interest of sustainability, we encourage you to print a reasonable number of copies. 
    As a guide, approximately 50 copies is a good estimate, but do ensure that the following parties are covered:

    • 5 for the Pedel (Registrar's Office)
    • Up to 10 for the corona members (depending on its size)
    • 2 for the MPI library
    • 1 for IMPRS
    • 2 for your 2 paranymphs
    • Your colleagues, family members, etc. 

    You will receive a pdf version of your thesis, which can be used for distribution to other recipients.

    As part of the MPI's sustainability initiative, all theses effective now are to be printed with recycled paper for the inner pages (100 grams Everprint). The cover is to be printed on 240 grams sulfate cardboard, with a matt laminate. Please specify this clearly in your request to the printing company. 

    Content Layout

    Check out past theses for inspiration. If you wish, you may make use of the LaTeX template provided by former IMPRSers to layout your thesis. Please provide credit to the author in your thesis.

    You will need an Overleaf account. Once logged in, you will find the file under 'Shared with you'. Create a copy of the file into your projects, and edit this personal copy. 

    Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer any technical support. We do encourage you to approach fellow IMPRSers with experience. However, do alert us to major problems. 

    If you wish to provide a more suitable version or offer an alternative version alongside the current one, we will be happy to make it available to others. 


    Thesis Cover

    Your MPI series thesis cover must adhere to the corporate design. Please make use of the template for Affinity Publisher. Detailed instructions are embedded within the template file on page 2. The Affinity software package, with an MPI license, can be requested by filling out the software request form. For inspiration, check out the more recent theses that have used the new cover design. 

    Before you proceed to edit the template, please consult the guide provided by Ipskamp. You can request a printed or PDF version here

    IMPORTANT: Before sending your cover to the printer, please have us check your design by sending it to,,

    Do specify a deadline for our responses to help ensure we do not delay your planning, though (un)planned absences may affect our ability to do so. Contact us in advance if you wish to know of our upcoming availability. 


    Statement of Participation

    Please insert the provided text available here. Instructions for where to place this page is also incorporated into the file. Please note that there is no need to list all thesis titles in the MPI series any longer. 

    Donders Series & LOT Series: Here's an example of where you should place it.

    Please note that we also expect you to upload your thesis to the Radboud Repository or the Max Planck Repository
    If you have any questions regarding this, please contact the library