Poster Printing and Templates

    This page will give you some more information on how to print your poster, and contains some templates with the corporate identity. 

    How to print your poster


    1. Send and email to informing the Administration that you want to order a poster. It is important to name the proposed price of your poster (see below). Make sure to order the poster at least one week before you actually need it. 
    2. The Administration will take care of the according approvals and send you a confirmation email wit the official order form (pdf). Please attach this pdf when sending your poster data to the company. Please only order your poster after having received the order from the Administration! Otherwise, your order is not approved. 
    3. When the design of your poster is ready, you can send it to Remember to indicate the size of the final poster. Posters can be delivered in three file formats: .ppt (PowerPoint), .pdf, .eps (Adobe Illustrator; when .ai is converted to .eps, the text has to be transformed to outline before). 
    4. Usually, the poster will be delivered at the reception desk within two working days. The reception will inform you accordingly. 

    Posters cannot be printed at the institute itself. The digital data can be delivered to this company:

    Janssen Lichtdruk en Reproductie

    Pontanusstraat 20

    6524HD Nijmegen


    Phone: 024 322 6715



    Note: do not mix up this company with a company that has almost the same name in Sittard-Geleen. Make sure you contact the company in Nijmegen. 

    If you decide to bring the poster to the company yourself (om CD-ROM or memory card), you also have to bring the printed order form (please print it yourself). In that case, you ca also hand over an example of the poster on A3-size paper that you print beforehand. In that way, the company can match the final poster with your example. This can be important with respect to IPA fonts etc.


    Note: PowerPoint does not define margins by default. You can either define the margins of the poster yourself, or you can tell the printing company what the margins should be. Also, the colours on the final poster can deviate from the ones that you printed out on any MPI printer. There is nothing we can do about this, it is just a warning. 


    • Poly Textile: apart from the normal thick poster paper, you can decide to print your poster on Poly Textile. This is a thin, synthetic fabric that can be folded easily. You can transport your poster in your (hand)luggage in a small box instead of a cylinder. It can save extra freight charges from budget airlines. 
    • Plasticise: if you want the same poster several times, expose it for a long time or in severe circumstances, you can plasticise (Dutch: plastificeren) the poster. 


    • A0 on poster paper: €30
    • A0 on Poly Textile: €46,65
    • 90 x 120 cm on poster paper: €32,40
    • 90 x 120 cm on Poly Textile: €47,15

    For other sizes and materials, send an email to the company. 

    MPI poster templates

    The institute offers some templates with the corporate identity. You can find the templates here