Internal Newsletter

    The internal newsletter, Inside Our Institute, is there for us to inform everyone about work-related issues and events. It is meant as a forum to disseminate useful practical information, as well as sharing good news. The internal newsletter will be sent every Tuesday. The deadline to submit content is the Friday before. 

    Instead of sending an MPI-All email, please check whether you message can be included in the internal newsletter. Below, you will find the date of the next edition and the submission date for your contribution. Please send your submissions or your questions to


    • Link to Intranet: because of security reasons, information that is for internal use only has to remain secure on MaxIntra. Therefore, we will link to the information in the newsletter. We can out your content for the newsletter on MaxIntra for you, or link to an existing page. 
    • Max. 100 words: unfortunately, space is limited. Please use 100 words or fewer for your item. If you need more, we can link to a bigger article on Intranet as well. 
    • Photographs: it is always nice if you can provide us with a picture (300 dpi).
    • Timeframe: if you can, please give us an indication in which edition of the newsletter you want us to include your content. We will inform you when your item will appear.