Press Procedure
Are you writing a paper or publication and do you consider your research topic newsworthy? Please contact your director and ask them if they agree.
If so, contact Communications at or
Process and planning
Time if of the essence for the success of issuing a press release. Is your paper accepted? Contact the journal about the publication date and the embargo date and time. Inform Anniek Corporaal, and she will send you a Q&A form with the request to send it back to her, asap, together with the draft of your paper. Make sure you also send an image or propose a suggestion for an image. When in doubt, please contact us for advice.
One of the science writers in our Press Pool will compose the press release in close collaboration with you and Anniek. In the mean time, Anniek will contact relevant media and send them the press release - and communicate the embargo date and time to the media - when you are happy with the result. She will ask you for your mobile phone number so she can reach you in case media requests pop up. At the day of the publication, Anniek will publish the press release as a News Item on our website.
Media coaching
Sometimes a press release attracts massive media attention, which you might not be prepared for. In order to maintain our excellent reputation, it is important that we communicate in a clear and sensible way about both our institute and our research. Do not hesitate to contact Anniek with any questions or worries you might have. She is a professional media coach and can advise you about your media performance.
News item on the website
News items are one of the ways in which we communicate our findings to the press and the broader public. They are widely read and often result in media coverage. News items cover topics that we are justifiably proud of: top innovative publications, large collaborative projects, defended PhD's, inaugural lectures, honorary degrees, awards, membership in academics, grants received by prestigious funding organisations, and workshops, conferences or symposia of special interest.
Whenever your news could be of high impact, please inform Anniek Corporaal. You will be asked to write a draft for your News Item - preferably with an image or picture - and send it to