Personal Data and Research

    On this page, you can find more information about using personal data for research purposes, and how to correctly handle that data. 

    Participant data

    Some types of research data falls under the category of personal data (see "What is personal data?"), meaning that if combined, it contains identifiable information about a participant. However, some types of data are personal by nature (audio, video, imaging data). Such as:

    • Contact data of participants
    • Audio recordings
    • Video recordings
    • Genetic data (sensitive personal data)
    • Imaging data (fMRI head scans, etc.)
    • Health information (sensitive personal data)
    • Birth dates
    • IP addresses
    • Financial information for payment (for online studies)
    • Questionnaires containing health-related data (speech, hearing, etc.)
    • And more: if you are uncertain, please contact

    Some of these data are considered "sensitive" personal data (please see "What is personal data?" for more information), for example, information concerning someone's  political preferences, race, health, or sexual orientation. If you are currently processing or plan to collect this kind of sensitive information, please contact

    Stimulus recordings

    When video- and/or audio recording an individual (e.g., employee, colleague, external person) you will need their written consent to use the recordings - otherwise, you have no legal basis (!) to use the data. Please see here for a template consent form. 

    Research tools

    As a company, we are legally obliged to enter into an agreement with a software of service provider in case personal data processing is involved. Please use the software the MPI provides, as this software or service has already been approved. You can find a list here, as well as a request form. 

    Furthermore, we also have a list of tools for online experiments, which you can find here


    When recruiting participants who are not already in the MPI participant database, always contact There are rules, guidelines, and templates, e.g.,:

    • TG can create a specific project-related email address (e.g.,; it is prohibited to create private recruitment mailboxes for anything related to research (e.g., NEVER use any other email provider than our own!)
    • We have a corporate identity for flyers and posters; always use these for recruitment. Please contact our Communications team for help and questions at