Accident Insurance
The Max Planck Society (MPG) has, of its own volition, arranged additional accident insurance coverage. The costs are paid for out of private funds of the Max Planck Society. The conditions and scope of benefits provided under the Group Accident Insurance, Group Expedition Insurance, and Group Radiation Insurance are detailed in the respective insurance policies arranged between the MPG and the insurer.
Insurance cover under the Group Insurance extends to all occupational and leisure accidents worldwide.
Who is insured
Insured persons are:
- Employees with permanent or temporary employment contracts
- Trainees
- Students of dual courses of study
- Student and graduate assistants
- MPG Scholarship holders
- Junior scientists holding contracts funded from third-party funds
- Solo self-employed scientists equipped with a service or work contract
- Interns
- Scientists (e.g., scientists holding a doctorate, doctoral students of other institutions, scholarship holders of other institutions, students, scientific consultants) who are partially involved in the scientific operations of the institute and are permitted to use the scientific facilities of the institute (based on a Guest Residency and Use of Facilities Agreement)
- Retired scientists in emeritus employment up to the age of 84
The conditions above apply to anyone who is a resident of the European Union (EU).
Also deemed insured persons are so-called 'visiting staff'. These are persons who are insured according to the conditions above and, in contrast to the rest of the group of persons insured, are not EU-residents, but are integrated into the operations of one of the MPG's institutes within the EU for a limited period of time.
Insured persons and/or their surviving dependents will receive an insurance payment of €20.000 in case of death and up to €40.000 in case of disability (graduated according to the degree of disability resulting from the accident).
Under public contract awarding regulations, the MPG is obliged to invite tenders for the Group Accident Insurance on a regular basis. Any resulting changes in the insurance policy may lead to variations in the scope of other benefits (see below). MPG does not enter into any binding commitments in respect of the scope of benefits. In particular, the current scope of benefits does not constitute any future legal entitlement.
Insured persons can and must claim benefits under the Group Accident Insurance directly from the insurer without the consent of the Max Planck Society. The insurer, in turn, will pay benefits directly to the insured.
Following an accident that is likely to lead to a claim, the insured person must consult a doctor immediately, follow their instructions, and notify the insurer of the accident.
Additional benefits
Only German version is authoritative.
The current Group Accident Insurance offers additional benefits, which, however, might not be guaranteed if the policy were to be cancelled and renegotiated elsewhere.
- In the event that an accident (which occurs before the insured person reaches the age of 65) should result in permanent impairment in physical or mental capacity of at least 70%, the insurer will pay double the disability benefit.
- €10.000 costs for cosmetic surgery
- €10.000 recovery costs
- Up to €50.000 patient transport costs
- Up to €30.000 conversion costs
- Up to €7.500 medical costs during stays abroad, subject to a deductible of €50 per claim
- Up to €4.000 immediate payment in case of serious injury in the amount of 10% of the insured sum of disability benefit
- €15 per day coma payment (with a maximum of 730 days)
- €100 per day for in-patient courses of treatment (with a maximum of 30 days)
- Up to €2.500 in cases of abduction per person insured
- Up to 10.000 rebuilding costs
- €10 per day nursing care allowance (with a maximum of 365 days)
- Medical aids up to the amount of 10% of the insured sum of disability benefit (with a maximum of €2.500 for all medical aids in total)
- Up to €500 per person insured for casts
- Cover of excess for hospital costs in the amount verifiably invoiced by the statutory health insurance to the person insured
Group Expedition Insurance
The same persons covered by Group Accident Insurance are also covered by our Group Expedition Insurance, provided that they are engaged in an expedition as part of their activities at the MPG. In the case of an expedition, rescue and recovery costs are covered up to €50.000 (subject to a cumulative limit for all insured persons of €500.000 per event).
Group Radiation Accident Insurance
The same persons covered by Group Accident Insurance are also covered by our Group Radiation Accident Insurance, provided that they come into contact with radioactive substances and equipment as part of their occupation. Insurance cover extends to these persons whether employed in the control and monitoring areas as per the radiation protection regulations or not. Insured persons and/or their dependents will receive an insurance payment of €20.000 in case of death and up to €40.000 in case of disability.
Please click here to open the accident claim form.