Holiday Leave

    This page will give you some more information about holiday leave and applied regulations. 

    Out of office

    Number of holiday days

    All TVöD employees with a full-time work contract are entitled to 30 holiday days per calendar year. 

    For student assistants this is 20 days per calendar year for a working week of five days. Please note that the calculation does not depend on the number of hours per day you are working, but the number of days per week. For example, a student assistant with a three-month contract, working two days per week is entitled to 20/12x3/5x2 = 2 vacation days. 

    Your holidays are in addition to the national Dutch and German holidays recognised by the institute. A list of these national holidays can be found here

    Holiday Request Form

    To request holidays, you must fill in a Holiday Request Form (choose 'Erholungsurlaub/Holiday'). The holiday request form should be submitted either on paper or by email. If the request is submitted on paper, the form should be signed by yourself and your department director/supervisor. If the request form is sent by email, your name must be inserted in the signature field on the form and an accompanying email of your department director/supervisor must confirm consent. 'Replacement' is required if your job has a support function. 

    If a vacation is taken at the end or beginning of a business trip, certain restrictions apply. You can take no more than five working days and one weekend as vacation to be able to be reimbursed for your travel costs. 


    • Vacation days can be rolled over from the current year to December 31st of the following year. For example, if you have five days remaining from 2024, these must be used before December 31st 2025. 
    • The purpose of holiday leave is recreation from work. The MPI as your employer is obliged to enable you to make according use of your leave days.
    • You should therefore plan your holiday leave at an early stage to facilitate a smooth functioning of your department and avoid an outsized amount of remaining leave days. Preferably, make use of your holiday leave during the running calendar year. 
    • When you are leaving the MPI and you still have some leave days left, please make sure to use all of these days before the end date of your contract.
    • If you have problems (e.g., due to long illness) making use of your leave days before leaving the institute, please contact Operations. 
    • If you have general difficulties in making use of your leave days (e.g., due to work load), please also contact Operations. 
    • Days off in lieu (for work obligations on institute holidays or weekends) should be discussed and agreed upon with your department director/supervisor. 

    If you have questions or concerns, please send an email to