Hardware / Scanners
Bookeye overhead scanner
The basement of the library stacks has an overhead scanner. It is somewhat outdated. It is easy to scan books thought with this scanner.
- Log in as user 'terminalpc', then switch on the Bookeye scanner by pushing the START button.
- At the pc: start the BCS (Bookeye software program).
- Click on the item BCS2.
- In the ORDER mode, choose CREATE, then NEW ORDER.
- Type in a title for your order and a name.
- Then press the button scan.
- The message 'Scanner: please press the Start button!' should appear.
Be sure that the setting is MANUAL/PANEL, 300dpi
Operating the scanner
- Via manual panel at scanner: the settings should read 'AUTO, SINGLE, and B&W'.
- Put the open book, journal, or paper on the edge between the green and the blue line. Close the glass panel.
- Click on one of the green START buttons of the scanner or use the foot pedal to scan images.
- Recommended operations for post-processing your scans at the pc with BCS2 software:
- Remove black border
- Discard wrong images
After finishing your scans, click on STOP. You will then get the order list.
This introduction is basic usage, if you need help, please ask us!