Staff Meeting Publication Lists
During the quarterly staff meetings of our institute a list of publications, the 'staff meetings lists', are produced. These are meant to provide a quick overview of the output of the last three months. We use the MPG.PuRe database as the basis for compiling these lists. The compilation of the list is the task of the librarians.
Which publications go on a staff meeting list?
- All new publications (in press, published) which have not yet been on a previous list.
- Publications of which the status has changed since the previous time the publication occurred on a staff meeting list. For example, going from being in press to being in print. Please note, we do not list (or enter) submitted publications).
If your publication(s) has/have not been retrieved (via MPG.PuRe) and listed, please enter your publication into PubMan OR write an email to the library staff.
What should I be ware of when entering publications in MPG.PuRe?
If you have publications (in press) which you do not want the outside world to see (that is, visible on MPG.PuRe), please let us know. As a default, we do not list submitted publications.
Where do I get help entering my publications into MPG.PuRe?
- See MaxIntra for more information.
- Ask the library staff.