
    ssh (secure shell) can be used to get remote access to a Unix shell on the MPI network. It enables file uploads and downloads through the use of tools like sftp and scp. The will allow you to access all your files and folders, but not to run applications. For that, you will have to connect again from the to the application server of your choice (lux20, gridmaster, gridportal, lux12, lux13, lux14). Important: for the use of ssh, a Two Factor Authenticator (2FA) is required. 

    To get access through ssh, you need a command line utility (Windows: f.e. Putty, the command prompt; MacOS and Linux: the default terminal consoles). Type: ssh-l <username>

    The first time you connect to a new server it will present you with a public key you will have to accept to get access. Two Factor Authentication (2FA) is required, if you get a prompt called "PrivacyIDEA" enter the current six digit code from your PrivacyIDEA app. 

    Some general hints

    Because the server is a Linux server, it does not use the same network paths as Windows; for a start, there are no drive letters (K:\ drive and such). 

    • To reach your own K:\ drive, go to "home/winhomes/<username>"
    • To reach your own U:\ drive, go to "home/<username>", which is also the default starting directory when using ssh. 
    • To reach your project workspace, go to "/data/workspaces". Your workspace might be directly below this folder or in a sub-folder of your department: "ladd" for Language Development, "lag" for Language and Genetics, "nbl" for Neurobiology of Language and such. 
    • Unfortunately, the MPI Scratch are not directly available with ssh, because they are residing on a Windows server. Use VPN, SSLVPN, or Remote desktop to reach resources from there. 

    Please ask the corpus management for the exact Unix path to your workspace if you cannot find it. 

    If you have any problems with ssh, please contact the TG.