A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is similar to a Wide Area Network (WAN) link between two locations. From a user perspective, the extended network resources are accessed in the same way as resources available from the private network. You can find the steps on how to set up a secure connection (tunnel) to the institute's network below. 

    Windows 10/11 users

    1. Start by typing "VPN" in the search field at the "Start button". Then select "Add a VPN connection (...)". 
    2. The "server name or address" is vpn.mpi.nl
    3. Give this connection a name (e.g., My MPI-VPN) in the "Connection name" field
    4. VPN type: secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP)
    5. Login with MPI_NL\username and password
    6. After the VPN connection has been established, you can connect to the MPI servers by typing in the address in the Windows Explorer address bar.
      • MPI-scratch (\\nt00.mpi.nl\mpi-scratch)
      • Windows homes (\\whomes.mpi.nl and then navigate to your accountname)
      • Workspaces (\\data.mpi.nl and then navigate to your workspace; use MPI_NL\accountname for authentication)
    7. Unmount the volumes before disconnecting the VPN connection

    Macintosh users

    1. Select the Apple icon in the top-left corner of the screen and select "System Preferences" (macOS 13: "System Settings")
    2. In the "Internet & wireless" section, choose the "Network" icon (macOS 13: click on the "Network" tab on the left side of the pane)
    3. If the lock icon in the lower-left corner of the window is locked, click it to authenticate yourself, otherwise, proceed directly to step 4 (macOS 13: skip this step)
    4. Click the plus icon just above the lock to add a new type of network connection (macOS 13: click the button with the three dots in the lower right corner, next to the question mark)
    5. Choose "Interface": VPN (macOS 13: choose "Add VPN configuration" and then "L2TP over IPSec")
    6. Choose VPN Type: L2TP over IPSec (macOS 13: skip this step, but perhaps change the field with the "Display Name" to something meaningful like "MPI VPN" if you are using more than one VPN connection)
    7. Hit return (or click the "Create" button) (macOS 13: skip this step)
    8. Click "VPN (L2TP)" in the left pane of the window (macOS 13: skip this step)
    9. Type vpn.mpi.nl into the Server Address field
    10. Type your MPI login into the Account Name field (macOS 13: also set "User Authentication" to "Password" and you can choose to enter your MPI password as well - if you do not, you will be prompted for your password every time you connect)
    11. Click the "Authentication Settings" button and fill in the Shared Secret with "mpi_vpn_nijmegen" (macOS 13: this field was renamed to "Machine Authentication", which should be set to "Shared Secret", which is "mpi_vpn_nijmegen)
    12. Check the "Show VPN Status in menu bar" box (macOS 13: skip this step)
    13. Click "Apply" and then close the Network window (macOS 13: click "Create", then go to the "Control Centre" tab on the left side and look for the VPN icon. There you will find the option "Show in menu bar", which will allow you to quickly connect to the VPN)
    14. You will now see a black rectangle with three vertical white lines in you menu bar, somewhere to the left of the clock
    15. Click this and choose "Connect VPN (L2TP)" whenever you would like to be able to access the MPI internal network (e.g., MaxIntra, workspaces, corpora, MPI-scratch, uhomes, winhomes, etc.)

    Warning: file transfer speeds will be much slower than normal. For somewhat faster file transfer speeds, use the scp command from the command line or a graphical scp application without VPN.