Field Trip Equipment Request

    This page contains the request form for equipment that you would like to take along on an expedition. 

    Please fill in this form as soon as possible, preferably up to six weeks in advance. By doing so, the TG will be able to assist you and anticipate on any changes quickly.  If you have special wishes regarding equipment, please describe them in the comment field. 

    After you have made your request, we recommend to have a talk with Jeroen Geerts (room 103, all field trip matters), to get information and advice on what model of camera/recorder best suits your wishes. power management in the field, etc. General questions about the workflow can also be directed to Alex Dukers (room 115).
    (You need to login to see the form below.)

    Feedback to TG

    If you encountered problems using the equipment or if something broke down or malfunctioned during your expedition, let us know. After your arrival back at the institute, please return all field trip equipment to room 115 as soon as possible. 


    If you want to know more about the usage of audio and video equipment, turn to the section Audiovisual services 

    Precautions when travelling outside Europe

    This sheet is intended to provide information for business travel to countries outside Europe when carrying one or more data storage media. 

    This document provides a couple of documents to fill in before departure:

    • A checklist
    • A contact list
    • A risk assessment form
    • Information on the (latent) Crisis Management Team