TVöD / salary scales / salary tables
The information provided here is most relevant to those with Dutch (rather than German) employment contracts.
Most salaries at the MPI are subject to regulations specified by the Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst (TVöD), the collective agreement for German public employees, as well as to Dutch law. PhD salaries are based on these regulations but not explicitly specified within the TVöD, so doctoral candidates in particular will find that their own situation differs in certain aspects from standard TVöD contracts.
Salary scales
Most salaries at the MPI are based on the salary figures specified by the TVöD. These are organised according to the Entgeltgruppe (EG) or 'salary scale' (ranging from 1-15), each of which includes up to six incremental Stufe or level.
Click here for the relevant monthly salary baseline tables for MPG employees.
Click here for more information about the Entgeltgruppe and Stufe and how to advance to the next step.
Student assistants
For student assistants the following hourly rates are applicable from April 1, 2024:
- With a Bachelor degree: Euro 15,02
- Without a degree: Euro 14,39
And the following hourly rates are applicable from April 1, 2025:
- With a Bachelor degree: Euro 15,84
- Without a degree: Euro 15,18
Vacation money or holiday bonus (vakantiegeld) and Jahressonderzahlung
The Dutch holiday bonus or vakantiegeld is 8% of your gross annual salary. It is paid once a year, in May, and is taxed at an income related rate. If a contract finishes in any month other than May, you will receive the accumulated amount of vacation money with your last salary.
Please note that the vacation money is not the same as the additional 'thirteenth month' payment that is made by some Dutch employers. The MPI does not make additional 'thirteenth month' payments.
If you have a German contract according to TVöD, it is possible that you are receiving the German Jahressonderzahlung payment instead of the Dutch vakantiegeld.