How to contact members of the technical group.
The task of the Technical Group is to provide and maintain technical facilities and services at the Institute in order to optimise the conditions for the scientific work. The services include a number of different aspects such as giving direct support when needed, development of new methods, or setting up new laboratories.
The time of the TG-people has always been split up in two main categories: support and development. Nowadays some of the TG members are working in the development only, working together with other organisations, to build new tools for the scientific community. Partly they are funded by third party money, so their time cannot exclusively be used for the Institute.
The main target of the TG however will be the support of the technical facilities at the Institute. Both helping users as well as keeping the facilities in a good shape. To give you an idea what services are involved we just mention some of them:
- system management (e-mail, internet servers, file servers, backup etc.)
- network
- distributing and maintaining computer equipment in the offices
- experimental setups
- prepare technical equipment expeditions
- testing, purchasing, distributing software
- converting analog audio/video to digital formats
- online data archiving, corpus management
- language archiving software development and support
- printing facilities
- presentation facilities
- purchasing and maintaining all equipment involved
This list is not complete and a matter of constant change. Apart from the day-to-day support and maintenance the TG has to keep track of new technology and developments and judge if they can bring benefits for the Institute.
The activities of the TG are supervised by the Research Facilities Committee which includes scientists from all research groups. If you have questions or comments about the aspects mentioned here, please, contact Reiner Dirksmeyer, head of the TG.